Tropski rastlinjak

Text in Slovenian and English

Price: 23 €

ISBN: 978-961-6822-13-8

Number of pages: 394

Size: 14,3 x 20,4 cm

The book was co-funded: JAK, Občina Idrija, Geopark Idrija

franc hladnik, founder of the botanic gardens, Bleiweis, Babnigg, Rechfeld, Rozman, Benkovič, nada praprotnik, Ivica Kavčič, Janez Pirc, Janez Kavčič, Jože Podpečnik

franc hladnik, founder of the botanic gardens, Bleiweis, Babnigg, Rechfeld, Rozman, Benkovič, nada praprotnik, Ivica Kavčič, Janez Pirc, Janez Kavčič, Jože Podpečnik

franc hladnik, founder of the botanic gardens, Bleiweis, Babnigg, Rechfeld, Rozman, Benkovič, nada praprotnik, Ivica Kavčič, Janez Pirc, Janez Kavčič, Jože Podpečnik

franc hladnik, founder of the botanic gardens, Bleiweis, Babnigg, Rechfeld, Rozman, Benkovič, nada praprotnik, Ivica Kavčič, Janez Pirc, Janez Kavčič, Jože Podpečnik

franc hladnik, founder of the botanic gardens, Bleiweis, Babnigg, Rechfeld, Rozman, Benkovič, nada praprotnik, Ivica Kavčič, Janez Pirc, Janez Kavčič, Jože Podpečnik

franc hladnik, founder of the botanic gardens, Bleiweis, Babnigg, Rechfeld, Rozman, Benkovič, nada praprotnik, Ivica Kavčič, Janez Pirc, Janez Kavčič, Jože Podpečnik


Faksimile biografij Franca Hladnika do 1900.......................................... 9

Bleiweis, J., 1844: Franz Hladnik. .................................................. 12
Praprotnik, N., 2012: Pripombe k besedilu Janeza Bleiweisa .......................... 14

Babnigg, J. A., 1848: Franz Hladnik. ................................................ 16
Prevod v slovenščino ................................................................ 27
Praprotnik, N., 2012: Pripombe k besedilu Jožefa A. Babnika ......................... 35

Rechfeld, Philipp. J., 1849: Franz de Paula Hladnik.
Sein Leben und Wirken, nach vorhandenen Papieren dargestellt. ....................... 38
Prevod v slovenščino 57
Praprotnik, N., 2012: Pripombe k besedilu Filipa J. Rechfelda ....................... 92

Rozman, J., 1853: Franc Hladnik,
bivši vodja ljubljanskega gimnazia in slaven zelišar ................................ 102
Praprotnik, N., 2012: Pripombe k besedilu Jožefa Rozmana ............................ 110

Benkovič, J., 1898: Frančišek de Paula Hladnik.
Praprotnik, N., 2012: Pripombe k besedilu Josipa Benkoviča .......................... 119

Praprotnik, N., 2012:
Franc Hladnik v delih tujih botanikov ............................................... 123

Nada Praprotnik:
Botanik Franc Hladnik (1773 - 1844)
Ob stopetdesetletnici smrti ......................................................... 133

Posvet o Francu Hladniku (1773 – 1844)
v Idriji, 8. oktobra 2010 ........................................................... 141

Ivica Kavčič:
»Idrija, slovenske botanične Atene« ................................................. 142
Franc Hladnik ....................................................................... 142
Naravoslovci, botaniki v Idriji ..................................................... 143
Posvet o Francu Hladniku ............................................................ 144
Spominska plošča, ovojnica, žig in znamka Franca Hladnika ........................... 145
Literatura .......................................................................... 146

Nada Praprotnik:
Franc Hladnik in njegovo botanično delovanje ........................................ 147

Uvod ................................................................................ 147
Kratka biografija Franca Hladnika ................................................... 148
Franc Hladnik in floristične raziskave .............................................. 149
Franc Hladnik in Botanični vrt v Ljubljani .......................................... 150
Franc Hladnik in njegov herbarij v Prirodoslovnem muzeju Slovenije .................. 151
Franc Hladnik in njegovi učenci ..................................................... 152
Sodelovanje Franca Hladnika s tujimi botaniki ....................................... 152
Ohranjeni rokopisi Franca Hladnika .................................................. 153
Rastline, ki se imenujejo po Francu Hladniku ........................................ 154
Nove vrste, ki jih je našel Franc Hladnik ........................................... 156
Kako so Franca Hladnika videli njegovi sodobniki? ................................... 157
Zaključek ........................................................................... 158
Viri in literatura .................................................................. 158

Janez Pirc:
Rodbina Franca Hladnika ............................................................. 161

Janez Kavčič:
Idrija v času Franca Hladnika ....................................................... 164
Idrija pred in v času Franca Hladnika ............................................... 164
Utrinki iz Idrijske kronike ......................................................... 168
Idrijski rojaki ..................................................................... 174
Pomembni prišleki pred in v času Franca Hladnika .................................... 175
Natisnjena dela o rudniku ........................................................... 176
Literatura .......................................................................... 177

Jože Podpečnik:
Oris reform francoske administracije v Ilirskih provincah 1809-1813 ................. 178
Ilirske province pod vodstvom glavnega guvernerja
Avgusta Frédérica Louisa Viessa de Marmonta ......................................... 178
Ilirske province pod vodstvom glavnega guvernerja generala
Henrija Gatiena Bertranda ........................................................... 182
Literatura .......................................................................... 184

Jože Bavcon:
Franc Hladnik ustanovitelj Botaničnega vrta v Ljubljani 185
Uvod ................................................................................ 185
Franc Hladnik botanik ............................................................... 186
Franc Hladnik in njegova pisana dela ................................................ 187
Franc Hladnik ustanovitelj Botaničnega vrta v Ljubljani ............................. 189
Literatura .......................................................................... 194

Slikovno gradivo / Pictures ......................................................... 197

Franc Hladnik (29. 3. 1773 -25. 11.1844)
Founder of the Ljubljana Botanic Garden,
His Life and Work
Translation of Hladnik Biographies Published Till 1900 .............................. 219

Franz Hladnik by J. Bleiweis ........................................................ 220
Praprotnik, N., 2012: Comments to Hladnik's Biography by Bleiweiss .................. 222

Franz Hladnik by Joseph Anton Babnigg ............................................... 224
Praprotnik, N., 2012: Comments to Hladnik's Biography by Babnik ..................... 232

Franc de Paula Hladnik,
His life and work, composed after existing documents
by Philipp Jacob Rechfeld. .......................................................... 234
Praprotnik, N., 2012: Comments to Hladnik's Biography by Rechfeld ................... 270

Franc Hladnik,
Former Head of the Ljubljana Grammar School and a Famous Botanist
By Jožef Rozman ..................................................................... 279
Praprotnik, N., 2012: Comments to Hladnik's Biography by Rozman ..................... 285

Frančišek de Paula Hladnik by J. Benkovič 286
Praprotnik, N., 2012: Comments to Hladnik's Biography by Benkovič ................... 297

Praprotnik, N., 2012: Franc Hladnik in the Works of Foreign Botanists ............... 301

Nada Praprotnik
Botanist Franc Hladnik (1773-1844)
On the 150th Anniversary of His Death ............................................... 311
Conference on Franc Hladnik (1773 – 1844)
Idrija, October 08, 2010 ............................................................ 325

Ivica Kavčič
»Idrija, Slovenian Botanic Athens« .................................................. 326
Franc Hladnik ....................................................................... 326
Botanist and natural scientist in Idrija ............................................ 327
Conference on Franc Hladnik ......................................................... 329
Memorial plaque, letter envelope, stamp and postmark ................................ 329
Sources and Literature: ............................................................. 330

Nada Praprotnik:
Franc Hladnik and His Botanic Work .................................................. 331
Introduction ........................................................................ 331
Franc Hladnik and Floristic Research ................................................ 333
Franc Hladnik and the Ljubljana Botanic Garden ...................................... 335
Franc Hladnik and His Herbarium at the Slovenian Museum
of Natural History .................................................................. 335
Franc Hladnik and His Pupils ........................................................ 336
Franc Hladnik's Collaboration with Foreign Botanists ................................ 337
Preserved Manuscripts of Franc Hladnik .............................................. 337
Plants Named after Franc Hladnik .................................................... 339
New Species Found by Franc Hladnik .................................................. 341
Franc Hladnik in the Eyes of His Contemporaries ..................................... 342
Conclusion .......................................................................... 343
Sources ............................................................................. 343
Literature........................................................................... 344

Janez Pirc:
The Family Lineage of Franc Hladnik ................................................. 346

Janez Kavčič:
Idrija in Franc Hladnik's Time ...................................................... 349
Idrija Before and in the Time of Franc Hladnik ...................................... 350
Records from the Idrija Chronicle ................................................... 354
Idrija's Schools .................................................................... 355
Important Newcomers before and in the Time of Franc Hladnik ......................... 361
Literature .......................................................................... 363

Jože Podpečnik:
An Outline of reforms introduced by the French
administration in the illyrian provinces 1809-1813 .................................. 365
Illyrina Provinces under the Leadership by Governor
General Avgust Frédéric Louis Viesse de Marmont ..................................... 365
Illyrian Provinces under the Leadership by Governor
General Henri Gatien Bertrand ....................................................... 369
Literature .......................................................................... 371

Jože Bavcon:
Franc Hladnik, Founder of the Ljubljana Botanic Garden .............................. 373
Introduction ........................................................................ 373
Botanist Franc Hladnik .............................................................. 374
Franc Hladnik and His Written Work .................................................. 376
Literature .......................................................................... 381
Arhive documents .................................................................... 385
Stvarno kazalo / Index .............................................................. 387