Tropski rastlinjak

Floral formulas are only a part of what people used to organise the seemingly limitless number of plants, thereby more easily remembering their characteristics. Classification and compartmentalisation are nothing new. Knowledge has always been conveyed by first being ordered, because it was then easier to pass on.

With the growing development of botany, tendencies for maximisation of abstraction and scientific approach to the study of plants also appeared. Floral formulas are reliably the best example of abstraction, since they abandon all things irrelevant and are trying to summarise all the main features, written with just a few letters, characters, and numbers for each family. The floral formula is the simplest way to describe the structure of a flower in a particular species or higher taxonomic group. Nowadays, floral formulas are also useful for three dimensional modelling of the flower structure.

ISBN 978-961-6822-40-4

Text in Slovenian and English

Number of pages: 506

Dimensions: 21 x 25,5 x 3,7 cm

Hard cover

Price: 34 €

floral formulas of plant families in the university botanic gardens

floral formulas of plant families in the university botanic gardens

floral formulas of plant families in the university botanic gardens

floral formulas of plant families in the university botanic gardens

floral formulas of plant families in the university botanic gardens

floral formulas of plant families in the university botanic gardens

floral formulas of plant families in the university botanic gardens

floral formulas of plant families in the university botanic gardens

Kazalo / Index

Kazalo vsebine 8 / Index 9
Knjigi na pot 10 / Towards the book 11
Uvod 14 / Introduction 15
Cvet in elementi cvetne formule 22 / The flower and elements of the floral formula 23
Zgradba cveta 24 / Flower parts 25
Simboli cvetne formule 26 / Floral formula symbols 27
Prikaz pestrosti rastlinskega sveta 28 / Presentation of the diversity of the plant world 29
Cvetne formule 30 / Floral formulas 31
Zahvala 474 / Acknowledgements 475
Literatura 477 / Literature 477