Petition to preserve University Botanic Gardens Ljubljana, which has been operating since 1810.
Dear, with the petition Let's preserve the University Botanic Garden of Ljubljana, we want to preserve the historic Botanic Garden and realize its expansion in a new location. The University Botanic Gardens Ljubljana has been operating continuously since 1810. This is the second time that Slovenian Railways has cut the Botanic Garden since 1974. At that time, the garden lost 0.3 ha of land, and with this it was deprived of the possibility of expansion in this place. The construction of the second track to Ivančna Gorica will again take away a significant part of the land from the garden along the entire length of the track, which runs along one of the longest sides of the garden. The construction thus destroy the old administrative building from 1897, which today houses a valuable garden library and the Primula tea house, where visitors to the garden can take a break and refresh themselves and thus enjoy the Garden for a longer time. The Garden will lose some of the oldest trees: Metasequia glyptostroboides, which represents one of the first genotypes that arrived in Europe and, according to experts of this species, is truly unique. The oldest Ginkgo biloba in Slovenia from the very beginnings of the garden, a series of old trees from the genus Abies and many other equally valuable trees for the Garden in this part will fall. All Japanese cherries are also falling, a gift from the State of Japan in 1999.
Link to petition which you can sign!
Galanthus nivalis forms for sale - Galanthus sale 2025 has started!
BAVCON, Jože. 200 years of the Ljubljana Botanic gardens. V: BAVCON, Jože (ur.). 200 let Botaničnega vrta v Ljubljani. Ljubljana: Botanični vrt, Oddelek za biologijo, Biotehniška fakulteta, 2010, str. 73-103. [COBISS.SI-ID 2288719]
Jože Bavcon
Il presente contributo concerne la storia dell’Orto Botanico di Lubiana, alla luce di alcuni documenti d’archivio or ora scoperti, i quali ci permettono di eseguire un esame e un confronto piú approfonditi tra le migliorie apportate all’Orto da Paulin e da Voss, cioè nel periodo successivo a Hladnik (1834) e fino all’arrivo di A. Paulin (1886). Questi apporti migliorativi vengono qui comparati grazie a dei nuovi documenti d’archivio – rimasti per lungo tempo nascosti e riguardanti tale epoca. L’esame comparativo rileva dunque che l’Orto Botanico non ha mai mancato di sostenere un’attività operativa continuativa, come si addice appunto ad un qualsiasi orto botanico. La parte finale del testo tratta dell’Orto Botanico nei tempi recenti.
Parole chiave: orto botanico, istituto superiore, Province Illiriche, F. Hladnik, J. Biatzovsky, A. Fleischmann, A. Paulin, J. Lazar, V. Strgar.
ISBN 978-961-6822-24-4
Text in Slovenian and English
Entrance fee: free
Opening time: tuesday - sunday 12:00-16:00 in June, July and August is glasshouse opened to 18:00. Temporarly closed!
Address: Cesta 27. aprila 2
PRICE: 12 €
2. Reprint with amendments 2012
On its 210th anniversary, the Botanic Garden of the University of Ljubljana started an interesting project. Together with the City of Ljubljana and company Europlakat, we began planting plants on the roofs of bus shelters of the Ljubljana public transport system.
Tropical glasshouse is open to visitors to the provisional schedule from Monday to Friday: 10.00-16.30, Saturday and Sunday: 10.00-16.30.
Izšla je nova knjiga z naslovom: Botanic Gardens and Biodiversity
Te dni so na evropskem kongresu botaničnih vrtov EUROGARD VIII objavili novico, da je izmed 3500 botaničnih vrtov na svetu doseglo zahtevno akreditacijo za botanične vrtove Svetovne organizacije botaničnih vrtov (Botanic Garden Conservation International) prvih 7 botaničnih vrtov, med katerimi je tudi Botanični vrt Univerze v Ljubljani.
Book 200 Years - Botanic Gardens in Ljubljana text in five languages: slovenian, english, german french and italian
Price: 19 €